сряда, 20 януари 2016 г.

UNSECURE - BOOKING.COM HAS BEEN HACKED your credit card and personal details are not safe

Booking.com has been hacked and customers personal, booking and CREDIT CARD details are not safe. I recently stayed at a 5 star hotel in Auckland NZ and tonight received a call from someone who said they worked there and apologised for an overcharge of gst from our last visit because they had been upgrading their accounting software and that they were issuing all the affected customers refunds. They had all our names, room type when we stayed and credit card number on file. I was cooking dinner at the time and as he had all the correct infor mation he managed to trick me into confirming the csv number, it happened all so fast, I couldn't believe it I had been scammed and the scammer got my details from a supposedly secure site. PLEASE be careful do not fall for this trick I was lucky my partner realised once I told him and only lost $6 because it took an hour for me to get my card cancelled.